SK015 EXPERIMENT 5 (HOME BASED EXPERIMENT) Effect of Equilibrium on soft drink

Dalam tindak balas kimia, terdapat tindak balas non reversible seperti tindak balas decay dan combustion. Apabila kita membakar kertas, kertas akan bertukar kepada soot/jelaga. Jelaga tidak dapat ditukarkan kembali kepada kertas.

Tetapi, terdapat juga tindak balas berbalik (reversible reaction) seperti tindak balas peleburan-pembekuan air dan tidak balas redox (contoh tindak balas redox adalah process charging battery) Dalam tindak balas, keseimbangan kimia amat penting dan keseimbangan kimia diterangkan dalam Le Chatelier Principle.

What is Le Chatelier?

Le Chatelier’s Principle states that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in temperature, pressure or concentration of one or more components, the system will shift its equilibrium position in such a way so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance.


 Effect of Equilibrium on soft drink

How to prepare the experiment  

